July 21, 2023
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5 Reasons to Stop Working & Go Outside (Right Now)

Some of us don’t need much encouragement to go enjoy the outdoors, while others of us are content to stay close to our furnace and the air conditioning unit. But you don’t need to be” outdoorsy” to derive benefits from going outside. 

Even those of us who love being in nature can still forget to take breaks during a workday, so here are five reminders for why you should stop what you’re doing (after you read this, of course), get up from your desk, and get outside.

#1 Fresh Air Helps Boost Your Mood

Did you know researchers at the University of Essex found that people’s mood and sense of well being increased significantly with just 5 minutes of outdoor exercise? 

The study went on to say that it didn’t even matter what the subjects were doing or where they were, as long as they were outside, they saw improvements in their mood and self-esteem.

Simply getting some fresh air into your lungs and stepping into nature literally makes you feel better. That’s worth getting outside for.

#2 Walking is Good For You

The benefits of walking are fairly well-known, but in case you haven’t heard, walking helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure by simply getting your heart rate up and moving your muscles. 

Research published in the European Heart Journal showed that even small amounts of standing can help lower the health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. If standing up can do you good, just imagine what a walk can do for you!

You might go for a walk in the evening, or on the weekend, but it’s not often something you may think to do in the middle of a workday. Going outside for a walk will not only help you clear your mind, it’s great for your health.

#3 Unlock New Thoughts

Your ability to think creatively actually improves when you get up and get out. Partly tied to the diversity in experience that’s associated with nature, the inspiration we get from being outdoors and immersing ourselves in new surroundings can unlock a host of new ideas.

Try going outside for some inspiration the next time you have a difficult problem to tackle or are trying to come up with a new idea.

#4 Improve Your Focus

Getting outside can also help you refocus on a task. In fact, one study found that children with ADHD were able to concentrate better after spending 20 minutes in a park, while another study of over 3000 workers found that just 29 minutes spent outside resulted in a 45% boost in productivity.

You don’t even necessarily have to enjoy your time outdoors (though you probably will) to experience focus benefits; this improvement in concentration seems uniquely associated with the fact that you are physically present in nature.

#5 Lower Your Stress Levels

Our bodies are designed for nature, even if we very rarely live in it these days. For this reason, our body seems to have an “at home” reaction when we go outside, leading to relaxation, and reduction in levels of cortisol (one of our stress hormones).

We also seem to feel as though we’re getting away from it all when we go into nature, as there is so little to remind us of the more stressful elements of life in a forest or a park. Think about it, at home you might have bills lying around, or a pile of laundry you need to do. Outside, it’s just you and the trees.


Next time you’re feeling tired or stressed or like you can’t focus on a task, try heading outside to grab some fresh air and get in touch with nature. We’ve just given you five reasons why it’s good for you. So what are you waiting for? Go try it out!

The Power of Habits
Charles Duhigg
With penetrating intelligence and an ability to distill vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives, Duhigg brings to life a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential for transformation.
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5 Reasons to Stop Working & Go Outside (Right Now)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Some of us don’t need much encouragement to go enjoy the outdoors, while others of us are content to stay close to our furnace and the air conditioning unit. But you don’t need to be” outdoorsy” to derive benefits from going outside. 

Even those of us who love being in nature can still forget to take breaks during a workday, so here are five reminders for why you should stop what you’re doing (after you read this, of course), get up from your desk, and get outside.

#1 Fresh Air Helps Boost Your Mood

Did you know researchers at the University of Essex found that people’s mood and sense of well being increased significantly with just 5 minutes of outdoor exercise? 

The study went on to say that it didn’t even matter what the subjects were doing or where they were, as long as they were outside, they saw improvements in their mood and self-esteem.

Simply getting some fresh air into your lungs and stepping into nature literally makes you feel better. That’s worth getting outside for.

#2 Walking is Good For You

The benefits of walking are fairly well-known, but in case you haven’t heard, walking helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure by simply getting your heart rate up and moving your muscles. 

Research published in the European Heart Journal showed that even small amounts of standing can help lower the health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. If standing up can do you good, just imagine what a walk can do for you!

You might go for a walk in the evening, or on the weekend, but it’s not often something you may think to do in the middle of a workday. Going outside for a walk will not only help you clear your mind, it’s great for your health.

#3 Unlock New Thoughts

Your ability to think creatively actually improves when you get up and get out. Partly tied to the diversity in experience that’s associated with nature, the inspiration we get from being outdoors and immersing ourselves in new surroundings can unlock a host of new ideas.

Try going outside for some inspiration the next time you have a difficult problem to tackle or are trying to come up with a new idea.

#4 Improve Your Focus

Getting outside can also help you refocus on a task. In fact, one study found that children with ADHD were able to concentrate better after spending 20 minutes in a park, while another study of over 3000 workers found that just 29 minutes spent outside resulted in a 45% boost in productivity.

You don’t even necessarily have to enjoy your time outdoors (though you probably will) to experience focus benefits; this improvement in concentration seems uniquely associated with the fact that you are physically present in nature.

#5 Lower Your Stress Levels

Our bodies are designed for nature, even if we very rarely live in it these days. For this reason, our body seems to have an “at home” reaction when we go outside, leading to relaxation, and reduction in levels of cortisol (one of our stress hormones).

We also seem to feel as though we’re getting away from it all when we go into nature, as there is so little to remind us of the more stressful elements of life in a forest or a park. Think about it, at home you might have bills lying around, or a pile of laundry you need to do. Outside, it’s just you and the trees.


Next time you’re feeling tired or stressed or like you can’t focus on a task, try heading outside to grab some fresh air and get in touch with nature. We’ve just given you five reasons why it’s good for you. So what are you waiting for? Go try it out!